Saturday, September 9, 2017

And the rest of the week . . .

Wednesday started out absolutely gorgeous. Change of plans with BF, so I spent the morning doing other types of running . . .

Joann's - flannel

Abigayle's - FQs/Add A Block

Library - ordering books and downloading patterns

The rest of the week didn't go as planned or expected. I spent Thursday at Mom's helping with curtains and fixtures. They had to be removed for the new windows coming in next week. She just hopes we took everything down that needed to be out of the way.

Friday, I spent the day at work, making dinner and walking Rocky. The evening was again unproductive.

Saturday - up at 7:30 a.m. !! Believe it or not, that's sleeping in :)
After breakfast and cleaning up, I proceeded to make more zucchini bread.


This becomes this

and this becomes this . . . 


times two :)

I made a total of four loaves again today. The freezer is getting full.

While I was at the library on Wednesday, I found a book dedicated to just zucchini and squashes.

I haven't taken the time to go through it yet. Who would have thought to look for a book on just zucchini. Certainly I didn't.

A friend asked me how I was going to spend my weekend. I hadn't really thought about it. I make a to-do list daily and just go down through it and see what happens. Since I've been gone so much this week and had extra daily distractions with the holiday and both my guys home, I really needed to focus on my goal list.

One thing I don't have to do is make up a project using this for my inspiration. I have been eyeing this at JoAnn's all summer. Unfortunately, it was $29.99. There is no way that was in my budget. It has now hit the clearance table at $14.97 with an additional 25% off for the holiday weekend making it just over $11.00.

I, of course, thought I could make it for much less than that. I went to my local craft store and make my purchases. Not including the frame, my total came to just under $25.00. I quickly changed my mind and stopped on my way home from work on Friday and made my purchase. Unfortunately, I now have to make another trip to the local craft store to make a return :(

I'm off to work on my goal list. 

Wishing you a day filled with creativity and productivity.

Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, so the original price on that window was pretty fair! And you got it for a STEAL! Congratulations. A zucchini cookbook? Whoa, I wanna know how they filled a whole book! I hope we'll be seeing some of these new recipes in coming posts. The book looks well used, so you aren't the only one who found it interesting. =) Abigayle's! I'm jealous. =)


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