Sunday, July 15, 2018

Goal Report for July 9, 2018

My goals for July 9, 2018:

1. Starry Night
- assemble July block
not yet

2. Mystery #4
- continue stitching
working on the fourth stitchery block for this project. It's almost done.

3. Fall into a Quilt
not yet

4. Color Bear Challenge
- assemble July block 
and quilted

Bonus project:

I have the first row of bears assembled,

and a second row begun :)

5. Bee
- assemble June blocks 
there are four of these, all that's left is to applique the tear drop shapes.

6. Christmas 
- begin cutting out PJs
this will be ongoing until Christmas and I'm changing it to just be anything for Christmas.
I'm adding a set of tea towels to the gift box. Not sure who they will be for yet, but a finish :)

7. UFO - Maggie's First Dance
- begin cutting alternative blocks
there are five of these.

8. Color Block Challenge
- assemble July block 
and quilted
First two rows are assembled as well.

Thanks for stopping by,

Wishing you a day filled with kindness.

Verse of the Day

Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

Lamentations 3:22-23 NIVUK


  1. Edi, Your bears are so joyful! Congratulations on all your doing!

  2. A whole lot of done in there, congratulations. I love that honey bee block - such nice fat little drops. Is that machine or hand applique?


Thank you for stopping by. Comments are always welcome. Constructive critism is welcome too. This blog is meant to be shared and enjoyed and not a format for disrespect or harm. One word of kindness to anyone can make their day. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts. I will do my best to respond to your comments within a reasonable length of time.