Saturday, August 25, 2018


Three week round up for Hand Quilt Along.
To see what everyone else got up to, just follow the link.

Here's what I got accomplished this go round:

Block of the Month sewing class:

Everything was done on the machine except the embellishments:  the yo-yo and the button. I love these little added touches.

The Color Bear Challenge is now two completed rows. I hand sewed the sashing on the back of the rows closed. Next month will complete the third row.

Starry Bright - hand sewing back sashing closed.

It doesn't look like a lot, but sewing all that sewing by hand on the back of the quilts takes some time. I am absolutely thrilled with these accomplishments.

Thanks for stopping by,

Wishing you a day filled with kindness.

Verse of the Day

But the LORD said to Samuel 
'Do not consider his appearance or his height for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.'

1 Samuel 16:7 NIVUK


  1. Great work! I especially like the Block of the month and the color bears!

  2. I love the flower block! It is so bright and sunny and made me smile! My kids used to love care bears (as did I), what a fun quilt to work on!

  3. Every bit counts, including the sewing of the sashing! Your blog is one of the best places to find BOM's, you are. Wealth of info I. That area, Edi. Thanks for sharing blocks and links to I source the rest if us!

  4. Love the verse this week! That is a lot of hand-sewing, as much as a binding on a very large quilt, or maybe even more. The little hand touches you've sewn make your block so special. Text me after dinner about Esther, if you are of a mind to.

  5. Hi - First time I have seen your work on the HQAL. Haven't been able to figure out how to post a comment. Thankfully I have because I just love your bright whimsical flare and bold blues and yellow of the quilt squares are wonderful as are the blocks~ enjoyed your post ~ Sharon

  6. Well I think it looks like a lot - hand sewing does take longer, but it's so worth it! Love your projects!!!

  7. Your projects are beautiful. Thanks for sharing!


Thank you for stopping by. Comments are always welcome. Constructive critism is welcome too. This blog is meant to be shared and enjoyed and not a format for disrespect or harm. One word of kindness to anyone can make their day. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts. I will do my best to respond to your comments within a reasonable length of time.