Sunday, February 3, 2019

Monthly Goals

January has come and gone on that cold Arctic wind. There have been quite a few weather challenges in the second half of the month. We are currently warmer with temperatures going into the 50s this week and thawing.


It's amazing what a difference 48 hours makes.

Here's how I'm ending the first month of 2019:

UFO Challenge 
#3 - Color Bear Quilt done
Hosted by Clever Chameleon
It just took me a couple of extra days, so it's actually a February finish.
- assemble last row done
- machine quilt done
- binding - I ended up with self binding. I like it.


I love the whole quilt, but these are two favorite blocks. Now I need to decide if I'm going to save it for a gift for one of the younger great nephews, or donate it to one of the deserving charities I'm going to start working with.

12 Things Challenge
#3 - Sunflower Doll
- cut out everything needed
- begin doll assembly

No progress, add to February goals

Finish goals for February:

 UFO Challenge
# 10 - Sheep quilt
- assemble the  blocks into a top
- sandwich
- quilt
- binding

Sewing Class
-  background block prep

15 minute stitch challenge
- continue stitching daily

The Art of Gentle Domesticity
- read next section(s)
- post thoughts on discussion questions

Crabapple Hill - Stitch Along (Facebook)
This is a free download. It's linked if you are interested.
- draw off design
- begin stitching one block per day

Download BOM patterns

12 Things Challenge
#3 - Sunflower Doll (January)
- cut out everything needed
- begin to assemble
#10 - cross stitch to be framed (February)
- choose frame
- frame stitchery
- find place to hang

That's plenty to keep me busy this month :)

Thanks for stopping by.
Wishing you a day filled with things that keep and make you happy.

Serve the LORD with fear and celebrate his rule with trembling.
Psalm 2:11 NIVUK


  1. Your bears are so cute! No matter who ends up with it will love it!!

  2. You weren't kidding when you said you caught up on the blog! LOL I love the picture at the end. Is that contemplating what you're doing, or contemplating where to start chewing? LOL It's a hard choice to decide what to do with the quilt. If you give it to your nephew and he doesn't take care of it, it would be heartbreaking. If you donate it, you'll never know if it's being taken care of. =) It's such a great quilt, I think I'd hang on to it for a while and just enjoy it before deciding.


Thank you for stopping by. Comments are always welcome. Constructive critism is welcome too. This blog is meant to be shared and enjoyed and not a format for disrespect or harm. One word of kindness to anyone can make their day. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts. I will do my best to respond to your comments within a reasonable length of time.