Wednesday, February 27, 2019

The Art of Gentle Domesticity - Weeks 6 and 7

I'm not sure how I got behind on posting, unless it was because I got sick over last weekend. I've decided to do both in one post to catch myself back up. But I'm also only going to answer the "Thoughts to Ponder".

Week 6

*  If I were to be welcomed into your home what colour scheme would I find to be most prevalent?

First, Jenny would be welcome :) 
As for color, there are lots of neutrals. Not whimpy neutrals, but dark taupe, sage green, celery green, creamy yellow, sky blue, light grey and white.

*  Is this colour scheme true to your personal taste today or does it reflect a season past?

For now, the colors are true to my taste except maybe the white. It was there and we kept it. The others are colors we chose and put in place and some of them are subject to change - sooner than later, I hope.

*  Have you been inspired by this week's study to make any changes to your current decor, wardrobe or personal style?

I like neutrals because I can always incorporate a color and they allow me to change colors seasonally. And as I make things and find new things to make, the neutrals allow me to move just a few things around to make room for those new pops of color.

On to week 7 . . . 

** With craft supplies are you the use-it-up and wear-it-out kind of gal or thoroughly modern and more excited by the new styles and things on offer?

Years ago, I worked in retail crafts and fabrics. There were big pushes to try new things and we were always moving things around to make room for the latest fad in the crafting industry. While I worked in the industry, I enjoyed trying all sorts of new things. In my first store, we were encouraged to try them and to make samples for the store, which the store paid for our supplies and then we could keep them.

These days, I'm much more frugal and practical. I like trying some new things and will when they have purpose and fit into our home and lives.

I also try to use up what I have, especially before going out and purchasing more. I also find other uses for my supplies like Sunday School class or the Bible study pre-schoolers that I work with every other Monday.

** Is there a project in your home which you made a while ago that’s lost its appeal due to your own ‘moving on’ with regards to colour and style? Would you consider re-making it in the colours you love for this season of life?

I can't think of a project that fits that description. If I did have such an item and really loved it, I would definitely consider remaking it to fit my current tastes.

** Last week and this week we've read and thought a lot about colour. Are you looking at the way you use colour in your creative pursuits any differently? 

I do. I find that I will get myself in a rut and stick to colors and styles I have used for years.

I belong to a group that does a fabric exchange once a year. We choose a color or theme that we would like to receive and our partner purchases 24 fat quarters following that criteria. As I make choices for my partner, I have made the decision to purchase half yards of fabric to make the fat quarters because I keep the second one to put in my stash. 

This method of participation has encouraged me to acquire colors, patterns and themes that I might not generally gravitate toward. And then I find projects that allow me to use those fabrics.

I've enjoyed the challenge and have been pleasantly surprised to find how many have pulled and used in my own projects.

** Jane's quite adventurous and open to trying a variety of colour combos and styles even when they're not what she'd normally go for - would you describe yourself that way or are you 'shy' when it comes to change?

I don't think I would describe myself as shy as much as I would say that I have definite likes and dislikes.

I like bright colors, subtle colors, tonal prints, small floral prints, neutrals. I like pops of color. I do not like bright, bold, large prints. I don't shy away from auditioning fabrics and I hate to waste them. I will try to use things that are out of my comfort zone. 

That's another challenge I have enjoyed in the past year. I've participated in several mystery quilt alongs. The hostess chooses a fabric that all participants incorporate in their chosen project. There have been several that I would not necessarily have chosen and was pleasantly surprised by my end results. 

I don't think we should be afraid of color. Sometimes the best way to approach something new and unfamiliar, is to do it in small, controlled doses. And let that be our guide. Quilting has been a wonderful growing experience that has allowed me to experiment and achieve a new level of comfort with each new wall hanging, quilt and stitchery.

Next week we’re reading pages 60 - 67

It's still not too late to join the study. Jenny will be hostessing all year. There is also a link to see how others have answered these thought provoking questions.

Thanks for stopping by,

Wishing you a day filled with the things that make and keep you happy.

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
Psalm 91:1 NIVUK

1 comment:

  1. A lot of my answers would be the same or similar to yours. I missed this part because of vacation, but I need to get back in the grove. I still have some things that haven't made it back into my routine yet! I'm enjoying being a little less busy, I think.


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