Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Busy Few Weeks

 It's been a busy couple of weeks. It just doesn't seem to want to stop. 

Honey Do has been busy repairing/remodeling the half bath. We had a leak and the floor had to be replaced. In the meantime, the dishwasher decided to spring a leak too. We decided that it made more sense to just replace it and then we would know how old it is the next time. Consequently, the house is a mess.

That includes the sewing room . . .

This is my work table. Well, one half. As you can see, it's where my laptop lives, along with the pile of fabric for my newest project.

Yes, I started something new. I had promised myself I wouldn't until I got some of the quilts finished that have been waiting. Even setting a one monthly goal (OMG) has been enough to keep me motivated. 

This new project is from Lori Holt and it's called Bee Vintage. It's simple applique and isn't very challenging. I got caught up in it through membership in a Facebook Group. It's cute, and will be quick to finish. I'm managing to keep up. My choice of fabrics is 1930s reproduction/tiny prints. The project is in its fourth week and we are doing three blocks per week with a total of 20 blocks. There is a requirement to purchase the template shapes in order to do the images. And there is the suggestion with every block that you can make a whole quilt with that particular image.

Here are the blocks I have done so far:


 These are not in the order that they were made. The project started with the fruits, as they are the simplest of the designs. I chose to do raw edge machine applique, using a zig zag stitch.

Wishing you all a good week.

1 comment:

  1. I think the teapot is my favorite, but the fabrics and patterns are all great! I keep getting side-tracked and forgetting to check for posts. =P I even forget to post my own.


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