Saturday, July 28, 2018

Goals for August, 2018

I'm going to try something new. Monthly goals. This is what I want to accomplish during the month of August. 

August is going to be busy. 
Newton has three more weeks of work.
School starts August 21.
Honey Do is taking vacation the last week of August into September, for his birthday.
Mom has a couple of doctor appointments.

Here are my goals:

1. Monthly blocks of the month
- Elefantz
- Clever Chameleon Color Bear
- Designs by Jen Color Block
- Quilt Doodle Doodle BOM *
- Honeybee Cloth Sweetest Things *
- Alida's Starry Night
- Janda Bend Quilts Fall into a Quilt (x2)
- Morning Glory Designs BOM *

* some of these I'm just collecting patterns and will make at a later date.

2. Maggie's First Dance
- top needs to be sandwiched
- begin quilting

3. P&N BOM
- prep block for next class (August 1)

4. Busy Bee BOM
- cut and assemble first border
- finish stitching June blocks (2 of 4)

5. Needle Book
- finish assembly

6. Postcard Swap
- make
- get in the mail

7. Mystery project
- pull fabric
- cut, assemble
- get in the mail

8. Curtains
- make curtains, so Honey Do can hang rod during his vacation :)

9. Holly Cottage Christmas
- review and plan next step

10. Christmas PJs
- make at least one pair

That should keep me plenty busy. Look for updates on my progress throughout the month.

Thanks for stopping by,

Wishing you a day filled with kindness.

Verse of the Day

But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.

2 Thessalonians 3:3 NIVUK

1 comment:

  1. That's a busy month of sewing for sure! Is one of those your one monthly goal, or is that going to be separate? Lots of fun stitching ahead. Now, is there a Honey Do list? LOL


Thank you for stopping by. Comments are always welcome. Constructive critism is welcome too. This blog is meant to be shared and enjoyed and not a format for disrespect or harm. One word of kindness to anyone can make their day. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts. I will do my best to respond to your comments within a reasonable length of time.