Sunday, August 5, 2018

HQAL August 5, 2018

Three week round up for Hand Quilt Along.

Here's what I got up to:

All six of my stitchery blocks for Mystery QAL #3 have been completely stitched. Next up, putting them together in a quilt top.


I sewed on these ceramic beads on my Summer Fun wall hanging.

And all four blocks for my Busy Bee quilt have been hand-appliqued.

Isn't this the cutest block? This one is for Fall into a Quilt. I hand-stitched the "steam" from the pretty pink vents.

Otherwise I'm trying to get as much time on the machine as I can. 

Check out and see what my fellow hand sewers are doing at Kathy's site.

Thanks for stopping by,

Wishing you a day filled with kindness.

Verse of the Day

Greater love has no-one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.

John 15:13 NIVUK


  1. I ♥️ That you are incorporating hand work into your mystery quilt! Your hand appliqué is lovely, and the added embroidery effect to your other blocks give them even more personality. Lovely work!

  2. Ooops! I forgot the steam part! I'll have to do that this week. =) Your embroidery has been very steady. The bee blocks look very nicely buttonholed, too. I know that mystery is going to be great!

  3. thank you all for your sweet comments. Margaret/Crafty Creek: I wish I could send you a personal response, but couldn't find an email for you. Thank you for being so sweet and taking the time to read my blog.


Thank you for stopping by. Comments are always welcome. Constructive critism is welcome too. This blog is meant to be shared and enjoyed and not a format for disrespect or harm. One word of kindness to anyone can make their day. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts. I will do my best to respond to your comments within a reasonable length of time.