Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Monday Goals

I didn't have any specific goals for Monday. I got my chores done early, so it was easy to start working on something. But what.

I promised to share my supply of Halloween fabrics with a special friend, because I don't share with just anyone :) 

So it seems like a good time to work on the Halloween projects I've been putting off to make sure I have what I needed to finish those projects. None really take a lot of fabric.

So here's what I accomplished:

Nine patches

Then I moved on to Maggie.
I started this project back in June, 2016 !!!
I can't believe it's been that long !!!

Saturday, I assembled all the alternate blocks that had been prepared back when I started.

And here's where I am after a day of working on it.

It's not finished, I still have borders to add, but I made good progress. And that makes me very happy.

Thanks for stopping by,

Wishing you a day filled with kindness.

Verse of the day:

For no word from God will ever fail.’

Luke 1:37 NIVUK


  1. A wonderful Monday - such a happy day, and so much accomplished! Wouldn't it be funny if there were no duplicates of Halloween fabrics? =)

  2. Wow wow that quilt is just gorgeous, well done girl!!! I LOVE IT!!!

  3. You made great progress!! I too have projects that I haven't worked on in years! It feels so good to get some of those things progressing.


Thank you for stopping by. Comments are always welcome. Constructive critism is welcome too. This blog is meant to be shared and enjoyed and not a format for disrespect or harm. One word of kindness to anyone can make their day. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts. I will do my best to respond to your comments within a reasonable length of time.