Wednesday, January 6, 2016

One Monthly Goal - January

Invited . . .

Accepted . . .

I have to say, I am really sorry that Melissa and Shanna were unable to continue hosting A Lovely Year of Finishes. I understand and wish them all the best. Honestly, I'm responsible for my own goals but it's so nice to have a venue that encourages you to just keep plugging away.

So God bless Heidi for stepping up and giving us another avenue. She is hosting One Monthly Goal (OMG) and has opened up the invitations and links. Speaking of links, here's your link.
I'm adding her button to my sidebar.

As for my goal, it's one I had early last year and didn't accomplish it. I'm ashamed to say that it's still on the quilt rack and hasn't been touched but a few times.

My House Quilt.

I lost interest in it when I didn't accomplish the goal and then just kept coming up with other things to make my goals and finish.
I'm not even sure how much I still have to do on and should probably take it off the rack and see how much I've accomplished. Maybe later today. I have an appointment this morning, but could work on it this afternoon.
No I haven't started working on it yet this month and here we are six days in already !!!!

In other news . . .

I have been working on my wool BOM.
I have been making slow progress on it. This is the last block to be stitched. The next class we will be discussing how to finish the project. I'm really looking forward to the finish. This project has taken almost a year. I've enjoyed it and learning about and using new stitches that I never knew before. Overall it's been a very good experience.

Thanks for stopping by.


Anonymous said...

It doesn't seem like a year (to me, of course)! My tea towel challenge has been on my quilt frame for about a year, too. Maybe that will be another month's goal.

Heidi said...

Yay! Thank you for linking up! Looking forward to your reveal, and to more of your wool work as well. I really want to try some of this!