Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Monday, Monday . . .

(Image found on Yahoo)

Monday has always had a stigma that it was a bad day. Even before it has a chance to get started, the day was bad. 
Honestly, I never minded Mondays even during my younger days when I spent every weekend out doing something.
These days I look forward to Mondays. It means Honey Do and Newton are out of the house doing what they are meant to do. I'm home alone with the pups doing what I'm meant to do. 
At least that's always the plan. 

It is the plan this week. I am meant to be home everyday until Thursday when I'm going to Mom's.
My to do list is made - always.
It's supposed to rain again Monday and Tuesday, so the plan after the household chores is to do some extra cleaning and hopefully some purging from either the basement or the attic. Both are in need of my attention.

Also on the agenda is to start finalizing the plans for Vacation Bible School. We are roughly four weeks out. My Sunday School class informed me that they were done with school for the year. Seems everyone has different start and end dates, so it's hard to keep up.

So I managed to keep myself home all day. My day was disjointed . . . did some laundry, then pulled some weeds, more laundry, some mending, dusting, phone calls, playing with dogs. It was the perfect day to hang the sheets and towels out. It was supposed to rain, but didn't. 
Dinner was in the crock pot but Honey Do decided it was too warm for it (80F) so we opted for sandwiches. I'm trying really hard to get back into the routine of staying home, cooking, cleaning. The first month without Bible Study responsibilities went really fast.

It rained off and on all day Sunday. I was hoping for a rainbow but didn't see one.
It was a good night to start the small stitchery. It's going fairly quickly. 

That's a huge positive because today a block of the month I've been waiting for has begun and I'm so excited to begin.

Jacquelynne Steves is our hostess and designer of this free BOM. All you have to do is go to her site and sign up for the emails and she will send you the patterns and instructions. In fact, she will send you any that have been published to date. But you must sign up or there won't be patterns available to you. I've got you linked up, just click on her name above.

I haven't decided which format I'm going to do - applique, embroidery or just the plain blocks. It will probably be one of the first two choices. I'm not a plain block kind of person :)

I'll keep you up to date on my progress.

Thanks for stopping by,

Wishing you a day filled with countless blessings.


Allie-oops Designs said...

I just love staying home - I could easily be a hermit. Monday is one of my favorite days, for the reason you give, everyone goes back to work, lol! I love your little stitchery. Can't wait to see your progress on that BOM!

Anonymous said...

A busy day, to be sure! Amazing how fast the days go by. Tomorrow, June is 1/3 over, and I haven't even started on June projects yet! I do love your stitchery. It's coming along nicely.