Sunday, November 4, 2018

October . . . November . . .

(image from Yahoo)

October . . . November . . .
dare I say it?
December . . . 

This year has just flown by. It's been a very busy year here in my part of the world. So now it's time to start thinking about the holidays, the end of the year projects.

(image from Yahoo)

It's not necessarily time to make a Christmas list and check it twice, but it is time to make end of the year lists to make sure we get all of our goals accomplished.

I looked back to January to see if I made a list for annual goals. 
I didn't, so I guess I don't have to worry about what I didn't get done and I can just keep moving forward.

I do need to decide what I'm going to finish working on for the next few weeks.

Here are my year end goals:

1. Christmas PJs
- Family #1 - four pairs - four boys
- Family #2 - three pairs - two boys, one girl
- Family #3 - two pairs - two boys
- My son
(10 pairs total)

2. Busy Bee Quilt
- add fourth border
- applique borders
- evaluate and add further borders 
to make queen size quilt
- finish top, sandwich, quilt in January

3. Holly Cottage Quilt
- start assembly
- finish top, quilt in January

4. BOM quilts 
- Finish last blocks, assembly tops, 
quilt in January
- Color Bear
- Color Challenge
- Fall into a Quilt
- Starry Bright
(four total)

So those are my goals for the next two months.

Now for how I did last week, October 29, 2018:

1. Witch Hazel DONE
- begin sewing
- work on second half

2. Scarf DONE, delivered
- finish the fourth scarf

3. Download November patterns DONE

I managed also to get the Halloween decorations purged and put away. Thanksgiving/autumn are out and up and I did some purging there too. The things I'm no longer using or ever planning to use again I will donate to Goodwill. They are all still in good condition and someone else should have the opportunity to use them.

The rest of this week will be busy. Helping out at Bible Study on Monday with childcare, Tuesday is study, Wednesday and Friday Newton has doctor appointments to round out the year and Thursday Mom has a doctor appointment. 

I've been called and requested for an inventory job in December, but that's closer to mid-month. That means I'll have to be conscientious of my time in the meantime so I can continue to be productive and get things done and delivered as needed. Mom is already getting plans arranged for the holidays.

So that's it for now. Hope you all had a good productive week.

Thanks for stopping by,

Wishing you a week filled with kindness.

Verse of the day:

As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things.

Ecclesiastes 11:5 NIVUK


Susan said...

I like her eyelashes. =) You were busy! I hope you have a lot of handwork ready for those days of doctor's appointments! Best of luck with those pajamas, you should be really fast at them these days. =) You have plenty of things to do between now and mid-December, so best of luck, and you can mentally spend that inventory money about 20 times, at least ... and then do what it's really for. LOL

Allie said...

Haha Witch Hazel is so cute! You've sure got a lot on your plate hon, I'm making no plans myself, I'll be lucky just to wake up every day, lol. Still no idea if I'm working Thanksgiving or not....we'll see!

Kathy Reeves said...

Wow! I am not a Halloween fan, but that is an adorable wall hanging!!! You've got big plans; you are so organized. I am just hoping to finish my Advent mitten calendar.😳 Number 19 starts today.