Saturday, May 30, 2020

Last week of May

Where did the month go?
I've been home more, the time is just flying.
It's not been as productive this week. I think maybe a little burn out is happening, but I still managed to get things done.

Lots of stitching going on. These are some of the projects I've finished this month. It's holding my attention for now.

I no sooner clear off space to work, and I fill it back up with things that need my attention.

Saturday will be spent frantically catching up my OMG. I am so close to having a finished top. I finally gave up late Friday afternoon because I kept sewing my first border blocks in the wrong direction. I hate picking out mistakes !!

We've had some gorgeous days. This was last Sunday on the way to see Mom.

Friday was the second day this week we had rain. It looks more menacing than it was. No storms for us, just sweet, steady spring rains. 
Saturday we woke up to sunshine, light breeze and much cooler temperatures. We've run the gambit this week from record breaking 90s to mild lower 70s.

Still a few of the spring florals are blooming.

This is the view from my living room window. I can hear the bees buzzing and thoroughly enjoying themselves with this azalea.

This pretty little "weed" is growing in my driveway. I've decided I don't have the heart to pull it or mow it down. 


And how sweet is this tiny little bee, having dinner and enjoying himself.

💖 💖 💖

Hope you all have a good, productive week.
Stay safe and healthy.

Thanks for stopping by.

Don't worry about anything; 
instead, pray about everything.
Tell God what you need, thank him for all he has  done.
Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. He will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

Phillipians 4: 6-7

Saturday, May 16, 2020

FNSI - May

I did it !!!

Not only did I sign up for FNSI, but I did stitching and sewing, 

AND . . . 

I'm actually getting to post about it :)

So here's what I got up to on Friday . . . 

Working on my Sunday Stitching Journal, Page 7.

I started the stitching on Birdsong Block 3 after prepping it earlier in the week.

Making progress on Block one of Psalm 23, so graciously shared by Jenny of Elefantz as a free block of the month for 2020. It is very timely I think in light of the current pandemic.

I have two of  three sections on my OMG/UFO put together.

I got one of the doll gowns sewn. Just need to add bias around the neck.

It was a very productive day. Hope everyone else had a good day stitching and sewing.


Spring has finally arrived in Northeast Ohio finally. These are the last of the spring bulbs. The dandelions are taking over. But we shall enjoy these as long as we have them.

Hope you all have a good, productive week.
Stay safe and healthy.

Thanks for stopping by.

Don't worry about anything; 
instead, pray about everything.
Tell God what you need, thank him for all he has  done.
Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. He will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

Phillipians 4: 6-7

HQAL - May

It is that time again. Since we last posted, Covid 19 has pretty much ruled out lives. For me, that means I have been amazingly busy working on various projects. I'm not so amazed how quickly these three weeks have flown by. Here's the link to see what everyone else is doing. Our group is growing :)

Kathy, thank you for being such a gracious hostess.


First, I have continued to work on my Sunday Stitching Journal. I love this project. As stitches get more involved, the pages take longer to stitch, but enjoyable nonetheless.

Pages 6 of the Sunday Stitch Journal, complete.

Page 7 in progress.

I'm finding myself getting more stitching projects, but not keeping up. I have allotted 30 minutes per day per project in that effort. Some might think it would make more sense to keep with one project until it is finished, but these are all projects that come monthly, so my effort will be to get and stay current on them monthly.

Bird Song block 3
This is a wool applique block of the month that I started collecting in the fall of 2019.


Stitch 52 from Adorn It.

Psalm 23 from Jenny of Elefantz.

Along with all this stitching, there has been a fair bit of sewing too. It's been a very productive three weeks.

Hope you all have a good, productive week.
Stay safe and healthy.

Thanks for stopping by.

Don't worry about anything; 
instead, pray about everything.
Tell God what you need, thank him for all he has  done.
Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. He will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

Phillipians 4: 6-7

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Creating a Quilting Legacy - Thank You

On February 8, 2020, Paula Budinger passed away at the age of 79. 
Her passing was quick and unexpected.
I didn't know Paula, I didn't follow her blog.
She is still impacting my life.

This is how my blog post began on Friday, my day to participate in the hop.

I haven't had or taken time to read the other posts yet. On my to do list for the weekend. I can't wait. If the response to my little blog is anything to go by, I'm in for some wonderful inspiration and good old fashioned tug-at-your-heartstrings  posts.

I am overwhelmed by all the positive comments that I received for the little bit that I do. I sew from my heart. Nothing is ever perfect. I absolutely love all of the organizations I share with. I have friends who share fabrics they no longer need or can use, or have received from someone else. I use fabric I've collected for years and can't seem to stop buying. I shop with donation quilts in mind or can I use the leftovers from my quilts to benefit someone else.

All I can say is Thank You !! 
for supporting this hop from the bottom of my heart. 

The purpose of this hop was to make a quilt and donate it in Paula's honor.

It truly has been my honor and privilege to participate.

Thank you Lorna @Sew Fresh Quilts and Janice @Color Creating and Quilting for hosting this very special event.

Please following the links to see who else was honoring Paula's legacy and participated in this hop over the past several days.

The hop started on Wednesday, May 6 and goes through Friday, May 8. 

Below are the links to other participants. I plan to visit them to be uplifted and inspired by Paula's legacy and read about all the organization that touch our hearts and inspire us to do what we do.

And, as if that isn't enough, there are prizes !! Each time you visit a blog, make sure to leave a comment. Each comment left will be an entry into the prize drawing. The giveaway is open until May 15th. Prizes will be awarded after that date. 

Enjoy and good luck !!
A list of the prizes is at the bottom of this post.

Wednesday, May 6 

Thursday, May 7

Friday, May 8

Sew Fresh Quilts, $50 gift certificate for her pattern shop.
Quilting Jetgirl, 2 PDF patterns of choice.
Needle and Foot, $25 certificate for her shop.
Figo Fabrics, A fat quarter bundle
A set of quilty gift cards from Initial Thought by DMF  Note cards set 1
Sugar Free Quilts, A pattern of choice
A $30 gift certificate for Doris, Cactus Queen Quilt Co
Canuck Quilter Designs - A PDF pattern of choice
$25 gift certificate to Fat Quarter Shop, donated by Janice Holton

Thanks for stopping by.

Don't worry about anything; 
instead, pray about everything.
Tell God what you need, thank him for all he has  done.
Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. He will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

Phillipians 4: 6-7

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Creating a Quilted Legacy

On February 8, 2020, Paula Budinger passed away at the age of 79. 
Her passing was quick and unexpected.
I didn't know Paula, I didn't follow her blog.
She is still impacting my life.

I learned of Paula through her passing in March. I read about her on a few other blogs, you know how we all like to link things up :)

One blog led me to another and that one led me to another until I found myself touched and signing up for this hop.

How exactly does Paula impact my life?

She was a quilter.

She was a quilter with a generous heart.

She was a quilter with a very generous heart.

I want to be like Paula.

The purpose of this hop was to make a quilt and donate it in her honor.

That is quite a legacy.

That's very impactful.

In her passing, Paula is not only touching and impacting the lives of those of us who signed up for the hop, but the recipients of all the quilts that have been made and donated in her honor. Not to mention her generosity prior to her passing.

It has been my honor and privilege to participate.

Thank you Lorna @Sew Fresh Quilts and Janice @Color Creating and Quilting for hosting this very special event.

Please following the links to see who else was honoring Paula's legacy and participated in this hop over the past several days.

I humbly sent the following quilts in honor of Paula. Thank you for being such a humble servant and encouraging all of us to be the same.


Two baby quilts

A lap quilt

Both of these are donation quilts in association with Hands2Help.

And my chosen recipient. This organization helps kids in foster care, something near and dear to my heart.

I'm excited to have these done and hope to have a few more done before the end of the drive. 

Once the initiative is complete, I will check into providing these quilts to a local agency who will do the same in my area. I know there is a need. I'm looking to do more for my local community.

I also make doll quilts and doll gowns that are donated to A Doll Like Me.


Last year I made a dozen, this year I hope to at least double that number.

So the hop started on Wednesday, May 6 and goes through today, Friday, May 8. 

Below are the links to other participants. I plan to visit them to be uplifted and inspired by Paula's legacy and read about all the organization that touch our hearts and inspire us to do what we do.

And, as if that isn't enough, there are prizes !! Each time you visit a blog, make sure to leave a comment. Each comment left will be an entry into the prize drawing. The giveaway is open until May 15th. Prizes will be awarded after that date. 
Enjoy and good luck !!
A list of the prizes is at the bottom of this post.

I can only hope that Paula would be thrilled to know all these quilts being made and donated are in her honor.

Wednesday, May 6 

Thursday, May 7

Friday, May 8

Sew Fresh Quilts, $50 gift certificate for her pattern shop.
Quilting Jetgirl, 2 PDF patterns of choice.
Needle and Foot, $25 certificate for her shop.
Figo Fabrics, A fat quarter bundle
A set of quilty gift cards from Initial Thought by DMF  Note cards set 1
Sugar Free Quilts, A pattern of choice
A $30 gift certificate for Doris, Cactus Queen Quilt Co
Canuck Quilter Designs - A PDF pattern of choice
$25 gift certificate to Fat Quarter Shop, donated by Janice Holton

Thanks for stopping by.

Don't worry about anything; 
instead, pray about everything.
Tell God what you need, thank him for all he has  done.
Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. He will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

Phillipians 4: 6-7