Please excuse the hoop marks, you get the idea. I was really hoping to have it done today, but my attention wasn't quite there and I had other things going on today. I'm going to continue working on it this evening to see how much more I can accomplish.
One of the things taking my time were these cupcakes.
They aren't professional by any stretch of my imagination, but it was just something to play with and have for after dinner. I also made apple cinnamon pancakes. They were really good and leftovers make easy breakfasts during the week.
I feel like I'm in a bit of a rut with meal planning and preparations. I stopped at the library to get my order and ran across a new cookbook.
I really like the concept, and I've looked through it quickly. There are some recipes I would use. There are many that have ingredients that I've never used and more that I really have no desire to try. So I don't know where this will go, but I know that I need to get back to planning menus and shopping lists because I really don't do well preparing meals on the fly. I have to have a plan.
We had our visit from Old Man Winter over night. Got up this morning to about 5 or 6 inches of snow that blew and drifted. Visibility over night was almost non-existent and temperatures rose with the winds and incoming storm. By noon, it was like it never happened. The sun was shining and the roads were wet, but we were no worse for the wear.
Well, I'm back to Block 2 of Bethlehem. I did contact Natasha of Smee Designs who designed the original pattern. She is such a sweet lady. I had to urge to share my interpretation of her work. She was thrilled with hearing from me and published my block on her Facebook page. So exciting to have direct and easy contact with designers and talk to them about their work and share your interpretations. I feel very privileged to be in such esteemed company.
(Image taken from Hot Moms Club)
Thanks for stopping by,
Wishing you a creative week.
Yeah, that's how I multi-task, too! LOL I love your cupcakes! They are so fabulous looking! Your block is coming along great.
That cartoon was shared on FB and just made me chuckle. Had to share here. Thank you, as I said, the cupcakes were just an excuse to play and use up frosting. The block is finished. I'll be posting it on Thursday. So happy and excited to have a finish this month :)
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