Friday, October 14, 2016

What's been happening this week . . .

Well, I'm finally making some progress on my goals. Last week I got the small parts made - the cabin, windows and barn door.



I finally drew off the tree and started stitching on it. I have just about the top third stitched.

I am so excited about this being block five of six that I just had to lay out the other four and take a look at them together. I'm close enough to done that I need to start thinking about how I want to finish this quilt top.

I stopped at the library to do some Christmas shopping. I'm finding ideas for now and even some for next year. The "Half Yard Kids" might be some projects for the Bible Study Children's program since I work with such young children. 

I pulled out this sweet little project. I'm making four of these. Three for my nieces for Christmas and one for myself. What didn't come out in the photo (or barely) is the wording which says - "Santa, Please define good". Just too cute.

One more goal on the list this week was to get the quilt rack up so I could put the house quilt back on it and try to get it finished before the end of the year. The rack is up :) I just need to put the quilt on it and get busy.

So even though I'm not blogging much, I am actually getting something done this week. That, of course, was before my head cold resurfaced again :(

Thanks for stopping by,

Wishing you a day filled with countless blessings.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So sorry the cold is back! I don't know how you see to stitch on that fabric. It's pretty, but I don't think I could stitch on it! It's so great to close in on the finishing goal, isn't it? The stocking piece is adorable! Whose pattern is that? I love your frame, though I've not ever seen one quite like it. Is the lower back part a stabilizer?