Monday, March 14, 2016

Monday, Monday . . .

It's the day of the week that all the miscellaneous things that don't get done over the weekend get done.


Leaders' meeting for Bible Study

Preparation for the Children's lessons on Tuesday


I get home roughly around noon if I don't have to stop anywhere. I didn't today :)

So pups go out, laundry gets switched, dinner gets started, kitchen gets cleaned up.

After everyone is home and the rest of my chores are done, I finalize my preparations for the children's lesson and the rest of the evening is mine.

I'm trying to decide what I want to work on. No, the wool isn't done yet. It's a slow process and I'm thinking I need something that's going to move a little faster, but I'm concerned about stepping away from it and not coming back to finish it.
Honestly, that's what I should be working on.

Time to pull up the old boot straps and just get to it.

Thanks for stopping by.

** All images are from Yahoo.


Allie said...

You are always so busy!! I think you get more done in a day than I get done in a month. Good for you on sticking with the wool project - I'm trying to stick with my four projects instead of starting something new.

Anonymous said...

That's a lot of stuff to fill a morning. Things must be closer together where you live. LOL I don't wash the car and rarely go to the bank, but I do stop at the library on my list! I hope you had a successful evening of whatever you decided on ... wool?