Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Oh August, Where Did You Go?

 August? . . .  

2023? . . . 

The whole year gone!! Seems like the year had just begun and here we are three fourths of the way through.

August was hot and least last week really wet. We had some foggy days to contend with as a result. It didn't keep me from being busy.


My Bee Vintage quilt blocks are current to the point that they are all assembled and ready to be machine appliqued. Next up is shopping the stash for sashing, borders, binding and backing.


As part of cleaning the garage, Honey Do came across this sewing table.


This table is one from a school and would have sat two students and sewing machines. It was in Mom's basement for years. I had my sights on it for a long time and when Mom decided to move, I got it :) It obviously needed some serious cleaning, but once that was done I got it set up.

 Honey Do suggested the change reasoning it was better to use it. I, of course, agreed. He took the smaller tables apart and they will be set up in the scrapbook room (yes, I get to say I have a room just for scrapbooking. More on that later.)


I'm loving the changes. I feel like we have a lot more room to work in the space. Two drop leaves can be lowered, but for now I like the length and being able to reach across the table as needed.

I've started setting things up the way I want to use them with as little moving things on and off. There's a fair amount of reorganzing, but the room has needed some attention for a while.


Honey Do has not only been cleaning the garage, but was building a storage rack . . .

when complete, this rack will hold 30 of these plastic storage containers. He has filled some with some of his hunting gear and things he doesn't need on a regular basis and still needs more thorough sorting. I will organize my seasonal decor as soon as I sort and purge and organize. My plan is to do this seasonally as I change things accordingly. I don't see any point in doing it twice.

In the garden, my roses continue to bloom. This is the one Mom gave me years ago for mother's day. It moved with us a couple of years ago and survived the transplant. So it's always special for me when it blooms.

The pollinators are working overtime. We are enjoying the birds, bees, hummingbirds and here, Rocky is watching a swallowtail butterfly in the butterfly bush. 

Sunflowers are growing everywhere the birds drop seeds from their feeds. These are growing down at the duck pens.

The garden has been providing. Some things better than others. Tomatoes and peppers have been abundant. I'm making tomato sauce and Honey Do is making hot sauce with the peppers.

Five of the six heads of cabbage we planted did well enough to process for sauerkraut. We ate all that I made last year.
My sister has brought me zucchini and we've pulled a couple from the garden. The temperatures are dropping at the end of the week, so I'll be able to do some baking.
Hope you had a good August, We are on to September . . . happily :)



1 comment:

Caroline said...

Hello matee nice blog