My day started getting a few chores done around the house before I left at 8:00 a.m. to meet BFF for breakfast. She's been a little antsy - I celebrated yet another birthday recently and she hadn't been able to share it with me do to circumstances beyond my control. Suffice it to say, she has shown extreme patience waiting her turn :)
And boy did she bless me ! ! !
I just kept opening packages :) I'm a happy girl :)

Tinker Bell has been a favorite Disney character of mine for years.
I got a travel mug and dessert - I'm saving this for when the guys are back to their
regular routines after the holidays :)
Last week, BFF and I were flipping through one of the Tilda books. One of the things we noticed (not that we ever see details, cough cough) was the tea set with a couple of the dolls. We both reminisced over our childhoods. What sweet memories.
Next up - my love of almost all things penguin :) I have several pairs of socks that both of us have purchased. It's just become something really fun. The one is an ornament that I hung from my bathroom mirror to greet me each morning and, quite honestly, will annoy the men in my house to no end :) Orneriness becomes me :)
We are both in search of a picture of us to fill the frame. Isn't it gorgeous? I absolutely love it. BFF promises to go back and get one for herself so we have a matched set. I'm charged with finding the photo, or heaven forbid, she wants to take a new photo. I have one in mind that I dearly love.
And the "WOW" gift. BFF took a class this summer to learn to do crazy quilting. Everyone who took the class made stockings. This is the one she made and I am the fortunately blessed recipient !!!! She was concerned that she had already told me that she was making it for me, she didn't. I can't tell you how special and blessed I feel to have received such a beautiful, generous gift. There is nothing more precious in my opinion than someone taking the time to make a gift especially for you. All the time and love that goes into something so personal is not to be under-estimated or taken for granted.
I couldn't wait to make a special display of some of my goodies :)
I came home to find these goodies in my mail box :) I'm planning on using them for a future doll project.
What a gorgeous afternoon we had outside once I returned home. It doesn't look like nearly as much snow nor as cold as it really is. The temperatures today are a balmy 20 something :) But look at those long shadows and beautiful sunshine.
Well, off to the kitchen this afternoon to make a special Christmas snack and some cookies. Then to the studio to finish that last blanket for the greats.
Thanks so much for stopping by,
Wishing you a creative day.
Love 'n' hugs,
Our idea of balmy is slightly different. LOL What a great BFF you have! She really knows you well, doesn't she? Her stocking for you is beautiful. Wish I could see her stitching up close and personal. =)
Thank you - I wouldn't trade her in for the world :) I'll see if I can get a better picture, but it is absolutely stunning :)
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